Thursday, June 21, 2012

6th Company Jorund arrives at Hearth Prime

The Ship’s Comm finally announced that it was time for debarkation to the planet. There were other Space Wolves Companies on the way, but 6th Company Jorund was the first to arrive. Subsequently, first priority was to set up a logistics base from which to launch operations.

After a couple days of reconnoitering the immediate area, Wolf Lord Jorund was amazed that there was no enemy contact in this area. Deciding to investigate more thoroughly, elements of the 6th did find a neighborhood that was racking up a heightening score of missing people. After interviewing civilians living nearby, it was figured that someone, or something, was coming out of the sewer and drainage system to abduct local civilians. It didn’t take long to find out what was responsible.


Mission Debrief: Day 4 on Hearth Prime, in the western suburbs of Ikol.
6th Company
Wolf Lord Einar Jorund, Commanding

Mission: Search and Rescue in area where numerous civilians have gone missing.

Intelligence Summary: Three SW tac squads swept the neighborhood, but only Squad Vestar made contact with the xeno perpetrators.

Squad Vestar descended into one of the storm drains to look for evidence of any of the civilians missing from this particular neighborhood. Heading northeast, Sergeant Vestar discovered a small young girl hiding in a side drain. The incident was recorded by the unit's personal recording devices.

Press Play.

“Hey little one, are you ok? Are you hurt?”

“She’s in serious shock, Sarge. We need to get her to the Medic.”

Sergeant Vestar boosts himself into the narrow tube and crawls on his elbows toward the cowering little girl. He could see her hair hanging off her head in blood soaked dreadlocks, and her clothes covered in dark lumps of mucus. With a couple feet between himself and the girl, Vestar slides his right hand along the side of the tube. The girl shivers with a whine, but does not resist the Sergeant’s hand on her arm. “Come on, lassie; let’s get out of this hole.”

“Sarge, hurry. Something isn’t right here.”

Coaxing the girl to cradle in his left arm, Vestar squirms backward, and joins the rest of the squad in the main drain. “I feel it too. Yes, let’s get out of here. Stop.”

The Sergeant pauses as if to pull something from the darkness with pure force of will. The little girl began a low timbre grumble as a piercing, near ultrasonic acoustic wave began wafting over the squad.

The Sergeant whispered, "Lars, Gest, lead. Go up, fast and quiet.”

The squad moved out, weapons ready. Everyone held their sighting vectors and advanced at a brisk pace. All the camera views jink and blur. As they reach the ladder to the surface, shadows began moving in front of them. Without hesitation, Sergeant Vestar squeezed off two shots from his plasma pistol into the pitch blackness. “That did it. Go!”

Lars and Gest maneuver to clear and secure any lurkers in the ladder tube to the surface. Gest begins upward, The tube cover clangs open, a beam of light washes out the camera views for a moment, and Gest barks out, “Clear!”

Vestar passes the little girl to another trooper and remains at the base of the ladder until everyone else is up, and outside. Then he holsters his plasma pistol and bolts, with all his strength, up the ladder. As Vestar breached the surface, Lars fires his plasma rifle into a rising shadow just behind the Sergeant. The explosive impact on the tooth yawning Tyranid sends chunks of bone and gore onto the walls of the ladder tube that cascades back down the drain.

Gest slides the tube cover back in place, to buy some time, and the unit sprints back to their Rhino armored personnel carrier.  

Press Stop.

Wolf Lord Jorund passes his gaze across the faces of Squad Vestar, to light on the Sergeant. “Excellent work, men. This is why we are here. Carry on.”

The Hearth Campaign is ready for players!

Here is the Flickr link to the 2012 Campaign for Hearth Prime:

First Blood
Flying Circus
Hearth Prime was a humble Imperial planet. Although many citizens worked in industry and mining, tech and research showed the most promise for the economy. Recently, however, a Tyranid splinter fleet made landfall, and the PDF was overwhelmed. Many evacuated, but many more were trapped on the doomed world, cursed to be absorbed into the Tyranid gene stew.
Months later, a Rogue Trader, unaware of the new ownership, hailed Hearth Prime and was answered. Immediately after the Tyranids began settling in, Orks began swarming onto the planet. They had been tracking the splinter fleet and every Ork who could muster onto a Rock Ship has shown up to cut their teeth on some bugs! So, there are still some enclaves of human survivors and intact research facilities. The Rogue Trader's astropath sent out a call for the Imperium to rally to the Hearth system to conduct rescue and retrieval missions while the bad guys were fighting each other.
As a force commander, you have given the green light to head to Hearth Prime. Will you seek fame by rescuing Imperial citizens, glory by sweeping a swath of destruction, wealth by looting, or all the above.

My living room will accommodate a 15' X 24' battlefield. I have two canvass drop clothes with a fabric river/walkway to cover the floor, and crazy amounts of terrain. I will start to set it up on Saturday, June 23, around 5PM. I plan to keep it up through the 4th of July.
The campaign will be played as a modified Kill-Team game. Orks and Tyranids will start thick on the board and have infinite reinforcements. They will be NPCs who will move randomly and attack the closest spotted foe. Night rules will apply unless requested otherwise.
With all the Tyranids vs. Orks ruckus, some people want to blitz into the city to rescue, or enslave, survivors (Dark Eldar are welcome!), recover some tech, or tomes, or whatever. These would be the players. Or you can blast/munch anything that moves! Orks and Tyranids can also be used by players.

There will be four teams to whom you may give your points: the Imperium, the Tyranids, the Orks, and Wild Cards. Wild Cards are included so any other army may play and mess with the other factions. Strike forces may be of any size. Rules from Cities of Death, Planetstrike and Spearhead are all ok. All Forge World special rules for units are ok, but bring your rules as I don't yet have them all. Any force over 2K points may start using APOC formations.
Victory points will go to players for achieving objectives, like looting, and loose points by taking loses. Some examples are: Rescue/Enslave/Eat- hold/contest a building for 2 turns = 2 points; hold/contest it for 3 turns = 5 points. Return the rescuing unit to base (as the civilian escort) +3 points. Recover/Loot- search a building to gain 1 point the first turn, +2 for second turn, +4 for the third turn. Only the Imperium will loose 1 points for each KP lost. For Orks and Tyranids losses do not matter. Each KP you kill is worth 5 points. An additional Ork score is any Ork that puts a killing blow on a vehicle gets +1 point, or Monsterous Creature will gain +1 point for each wound the MC has more than the striker.
Night fight rolls are still needed to shoot and assault, but any shooting will begin to draw hostiles to investigate. If you hold fire for 2 turns, and the unit is not being attacked, it stops being a magnet.

There will be no turns limit. you can begin your mission at any time, and stay to play as long as you want, solo, with me as a game master, or simultaneous with other players. You can choose to work together, or start a fight. Play one turn or play all night! Heaps of heroic deeds and piles of dead! These rules will be expanded as more missions are thought up. After all, the whole idea here is to play with masses of our cool armies on a big board!

In fact, if anyone, or a group of players would like to put on a big APOC game, I would be totally into that, too! Last time I had up the Big Board, I played two 6K point battles, one-on-one, and one APOC game with 15,000 points per side. They were beautiful grand clashes!

                                             Big Board 2010