Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rogue Trader Veronica Darling

Good morning Vox Free Kohang! This is Tinker Pronov at 473.22 on the dial.

Today, some of our brave Partisans, under the command of Major Nikki Urbanov, were heartened to have a quick sighting of our esteemed defender, Captain Veronica Darling, from the Rogue Trader Darling House, zooming behind enemy lines to provide them with air-support. And we are talking about some solid whoop-ass delivered onto the bad guys.

We all have family and friends holding out across the city, so, Captain, if you are listening, or get word of this voxcast, thank you!

Seeing her is a good omen, as Rogue Traders tend not to invest time and treasure in lost causes. But Captain Darling loves her job, let the profits be damned!  Pretty much her whole career is classified, and  only whispers of where she has been are spoken by informants who always request to be anonymous.  She is mostly spotted on worlds in turmoil and war.  Cleverly, contracts to rebuild and reestablish trade has expanded the financial empire of Darling House, so it appears that our humble world will soon be making her rich. Well, that's fine with me!

Here's a fun fact, Captain Darling was orphaned as a wee toddler, on shrine world Jageren, when it fell to Dark Powers. She was rescued by a unit of Adepta Sororitas, who did not know who she was, and they kept her for their Order. So, how did she regain her heritage? Ha ha, that's a funny story.

She was completing her training when she was boarding a Rogue Trader ship owned by the Kaiser House. Her DNA signature made her as a Darling, and no one from the House of Darling is allowed on Kaiser ships! So, with some Astropath calls of inquiry around the sector it was indeed found that she was one of the last Darlings, and was soon reunited with her second cousin Artimus Darling.

She has since taken the reins of the mighty House assets, and made war the principal motor for the expansion of the Darling House portfolio. And, so, here she is, ever avenging the loss of her parents and serving the Emperor. Good on her!

Next up, traffic and weather. But first, the chair is on the porch...the chair is on the porch.


Lord-Captain Veronica Darling personally held the road, blocking the daemon incursion from opening the way for enemy reinforcements.

The landscape steams, scorched and pockmarked. The massive storm of firepower crashing into the snow covered hills has downed trees and charred the ground, churning it into a swill of blackened mud, gore, and chunks of daemon corpses.

The daemons have left, vanished back into the warp from which they pounced. Lord-Captain Darling stands with her command staff on the road that crests looking back at the city in one direction and toward the broad fields from which the minions of the Fell Foe planned to run reinforcements. The besieged enemy within Kundul City will not receive succor from this route, as Avengers and Vultures proceed to turn this road into a highway of death.

“This is Independent calling Captain Darling.”

This is Captain Darling go ahead.”

“Colonel Tagen requested you to brief Lord-General Vorov at his headquarters.”

“Copy that. I will be on my way, but first, I must attend to some unsavory business.”

As though in mind-sync, Void-Master Rowe cycles his Vendetta, Eagle-Six, down onto Darling’s position and lowers the ramp. Captain Darling and her headquarters team toss their extra gear into the flyer and make their way through the detritus of the battlefield.

Of the two Ratlin scout squads observing the road, there were a few cowering survivors, but after witnessing actual daemons, even a mind wipe would be inadequate. As per Ordo Malleus protocol, Lord-Captain Darling personally cleansed them so they might join the Emperor in grace.

Almost half the squad of the ship crew who were overrun by daemon horrors rarely seen in real-space, are found seriously wounded, but like their leader, Armsman Decker, they will fight another day.

“And what about the PDF unit? Must they be cleansed, Captain?”

“That would be regrettable. If they would join our crew, we could give them proper treatment on the Independent. Let’s see if they would like to avenge their planet’s ruin by joining us.”

After making sure the battlefield is cleansed, per Ordo Malleus protocols, and successfully recruiting Major Nikki Urbanov and her Kill Team, Captain Darling and her headquarters team boards Eagle-Six. As the last trooper steps into the cargo compartment, the Vendetta rises, tilts upward, and speedily ascends. Those inside watch the ground quickly fall behind as the back ramp closes.


The flight is but moments as Sector Commander, Lord-General Vorov, prefers a forward position for his headquarters. Sounds of battle echoing across the city can be heard from all directions. Elements of Adeptus Astartes, and possibly even a quick glance of what looks to be a Grey Knight, move with purpose about the headquarters area.

Lord-General Vorov looks up from his holo-map and gives a casual salute to which Lord-Captain Darling retorts with a respectful bow.

“Welcome Lord-Captain. You have performed an act of bravery and tactical acumen that I would expect of my highest ranking generals, or Space Marines.”

Veronica nods and glows with a slight blush. Lord-General Vorov is well respected and his sincere compliment is a worthy reward for her risks.

“It is rare to find a Rogue Trader crew with an Ordo Malleus signet. It was indeed opportune that your force is part of our order of battle, to be used against Fateweaver and his daemon assault force."

"Yes, Lord-General. Since rogue traders so often venture off the known warp routes, they are often confronting the creatures of the warp. This experience is why they can act against such creatures with a much greater resistance to debilitating mental effects."

"Well, this was especially critical given the fact that it was necessary to dispatch the Grey Knight’s Strike Cohort, Iron Silence, to fight their way into the center of the city in order to nullify the Fell ritual to open the warp on this planet.”

“It is an honor, and always my greatest pleasure, to accomplish a task normally given to the likes of the secret and rare Grey Knights.”

As the two leaders interact, an aid changes the holo-map from planetary to sector wide. Pinpoints identify stars. To see their circling planets, the aid zooms in to the area around Carina to show the possible routes of enemy reinforcements to that planet.

“It is now decided to attack Carina for the next phase of the Imperial counteroffensive. Lord Captain, reinforcements are likely to be approaching from this section of the system. I only have one cruiser I can spare, a seasoned Gothic Class cruiser. I know you have your two cruisers, and a light cruiser, so I would like you to command this force as the Task Force Admiral. It may be an opportunity for you to make a little bit of a profit by intercepting those reinforcements.”

“Aye, Lord-General, I accept this opportunity in the name of the Emperor.”

Vorov waves for his Chief of Staff, Colonel Tagen, who steps forward holding a valise and a dataslate.

“Lord-Captain, this is all the information we have on Carina, and the best warp route you can give your Navigator.”

With farewell nods, Darling exits the command headquarters. Her mind buzzing with thoughts of what needs to be done for her next mission.


Good morning Vox-Free Kohang! This is Tinker Pronov coming to you from 473.22 on the dial.

Big happenings today! It appears the battle for the Zubanel system is won! There is absolutely no information to be released to the public as to how this has come about. And there are numerous public reports that there are large swathes of civilian populations around the center of the city who have either vanished or are suffering some kind of mass amnesia.

We have several anonymous informants with military contacts who tell me that every standing force of the Fell Foe on planet from Traitor Space Marines and Cultists, to vile Xenos, and some forces that are classified at the highest levels, have been repulsed, and crushed!

The Emperor protects!

It appears that the next few weeks will be a mop-up operation, and we will soon have our planet back. Our sincere thanks to our brave PDF, Space Marines and allies. And Lord-Captain Darling, just a reminder, we have a lot to fix, so don’t forget those rebuilding contracts.


The aircraft of Independent will stay on station until it is time to leave system, flying over the planet, strafing and exterminating any loose enemy elements and pockets of resistance.

The full process of cleanup will be left to the Planetary Defense Force and the Adeptus Astartes. It is time to prepare for a new mission in space. Veronica Darling has committed to make a deep strike raid against the Fell Foe’s supply line. Independent is a Dictator Class cruiser with the ability to process space fighters, bombers, and assault boats as well as Vendettas, Avengers and Vultures for atmospheric operation.

Before Task Force Darling leaves the system, the ground attack aircraft will be boxed up and put into storage and the space fighters, bombers and assault boats will be unfolded and put onto their catapults ready for launch.

The space in the system around Zubanel was cleared easily, as it appears that the main strategy of the Fell Foe was to open a warp-portal on the planet to shunt their reinforcements through. Now, that option has been closed, so they will wither on the vine and be destroyed in detail.

The crews are excited about the change in venue for the next battle. The crew of Dependable, a Tyrant Class cruiser, under the command of Captain Octavia Sextus, got off a few shots against planet side targets, but nothing exciting. In a space action they can bring the full weight of their guns to bear against the Fell Foe. The third House of Darling ship is Pido, a Dauntless Class Light Cruiser (Torpedo), under the command of Captain Elise Tudor. Finally, the Imperial Navy ship, Stormbringer, pulls into line, Captain Thedrik Rosevelt, commanding.

With nothing better to do the armada of escorts and support ships circling the orbit of Zubanel come out to bid farewell to the Rogue Trader lead raiding squadron, giving quite an impressive fireworks display. Gun and lace broadsides firing into space to salute and to wish well to the intrepid vanguard of the next stage of the Imperium’s Reconquista and liberation of the Sedona sector.

To prep her ship, Admiral Darling engages the command data entry panel and uploads the Intel from the data slate. Processing lights cycle on the consul indicating that the Navigator has received the information and is beginning to make his calculations.


The trip to the Carina outer system is uneventful. The warp route is kind, and progress is quick and without incident.

Now it's time to put to good effect their ship versus ship skills as they position themselves near what they presume would be the entry point of the chaos reinforcement convoy.

Spread out and running silent they begin their vigilant prowling. As though right on schedule, the spluttering opening to the Warp on the horizon, almost exactly where predicted.

Not predicted, out of this Warp hole spills forth a fleet of chaos escorts as big or maybe even larger then Admiral Darling’s force, plus eight light freighters.

The Fell Foe has an acute commander, and the fast escort force bursts from the warp , sweeping sensors, weapons ready to fire.

"Independent, this is Pido. We are lit up and bracing for impact. Requesting . . . ."


Sparks continue to shower from all corners of the bridge. Servitors rush about with spare parts, fixing consuls and pulling open paneling along the bulkheads. This is the bridge of Independent.

Admiral Darling, seated on her command throne is silent and calm.  Flush with the adrenaline of battle, and even knowing her ship is crippled and the Pido is destroyed, her eyes are fire, and a smile brightens her face.

"Admiral, the ship's heavily damaged and we are running at half speed. We failed to stop two of the eight enemy freighters from reaching the planet defenders. Pido imploded..."

"Yes she did. Right on top of the enemy cruiser that killed her. That ship will be of little threat for some time. Go on, Number One."

Void-Master Rowe clears his throat, "But, sadly, the enemy Admiral was on that crippled ship, and they have escaped with one escort ship."

Admiral Darling blinks, her smile sours.

"Yes, this is all very terrible."

"Yes Admiral, with those enemy freighters escaping our ambush and making it to the planet Carina, the defenders will have a few extra rounds of ammo to use against the Imperial invasion, but the Enemy battle fleet has been ruined!"

Admiral Darling 's gaze drifts upward as she recalls, "When the Pido was assaulted by two enemy cruisers, it didn't stand much of a chance. Then it careened into one of its assailants and it's warp drive imploded, grabbing all around, including the ship that killed it, and actually wound up crippling a ship twice its size. If you have to go. But I wish we could have finished the job."

"Yes Admiral, but Independent did make Battle Ace, even if you don't count the one enemy freighter that decided to ram us."

"Yea, I didn't even feel the impact."

"Eight out of nine enemy escorts were destroyed, and the final prize, our four bomber squadrons made it past the flak guns of the other enemy cruiser, and turned it into a flaming hulk."

"Indeed, very well done Void-Master."

"Thank you, Admiral. The fires have gone out, and we are salvaging the remains to good effect."

"If this was all the Fell Foe could spare as far as a space defense force, the weight of the Imperial invasion will fall with ease upon the planet."

Admiral Darling beads in the Navigator on her consul. " Plot our course back to Zubanel. There's no sign of any enemy ships, so we can first salvage the hulk, but we will be on our way as soon as possible."

"Aye Cap...Admiral. I need only make a few adjustment for our damaged state, and we will be good to go."


The battle for the agri-world Carina has begun. The low orbit of the planet is crammed with ships of the Imperial Navy's invasion fleet.

Lord-Capatin Veronica Darling brought a Darling House mobile dry-dock to the Zubanel System to repair her crippled flagship, Independent. Dependable also suffered damage, so it will remain with Independent, Captain Sextus will also take charge of representing the Darling House Reconstruction Division backed by the Kunvizi Asoci, interplanetary emergency support group.

Veronica Darling is granter an Imperial Navy brevet rank of Admiral, so she can command a small reinforcement cruiser squadron that just arrived in Zubanel. Three battle honored cruisers from Battle Fleet Gothic including the Tyrant Class Hammer of Justice, featuring a prow mounted nova cannon, Captain Trevor Fingal, commanding, two Gothic Class cruisers, Fortitude, Captain Evan Basalt, commanding, and Emperor's Wrath, Captain Justin Fawzia, commanding. 

Also, just arriving, are eight light freighters brimming with ammunition for the brave liberators fighting on Carina, escorted by two Firestorm Frigates. 

As soon as orders can be sent, the small fleet breaks from orbit and plunges into the Warp.


The trip through the Warp is once again uneventful. When the task force enters real space, the freighters all make a flank speed dash toward Carina.

The two Gothic Cruisers stay alongside the freighters and Hammer of Justice breaks to the starboard flank to train its nova gun down-range to maintain an overwatch. 

Almost immediately after coming out of Warp, Captain Trevor Fingal becomes very agitated. "Admiral Darling, sensors are picking up unidentified signals straight ahead. All our ships are engaged around the planet giving fire support. I suspect this is an ambush."

And ironic smirk passes across Admiral Darling face. She harkens back to where she was so recently on the other side of this kind of engagement.

"Yes Captain, I suspect you are correct. I would like to see our response to this threat live up to the highest standards of the Imperial Navy. Is everything ready."

Captain Fingal winces and nods in the affirmative.

"Then then find me a target, Captain, and destroy it."

Admiral Darling goes over to the holo-map, identifying friendlies and mysterious unidentified blips. She measure courses and distances and plots ranges and trajectories in her head, and feels pretty confident that this engagement will go well.

The freighters are racing for the planet with her two Gothic cruisers in close escort. Suddenly the unidentified blips have icons on the holo-map, readouts identifying their type and class.

Instantly, that information is registered, as are the trajectories of missile salvos and gun bursts laying into the freighters. After a few moments, the icons identifying the freighters begin to wink out.

Admiral Darling feels her fists clenched, "It's time for some payback."

After some close range shooting the Gothic Cruisers find their marks and both Traitor cruisers racing across their bows and into position to receive obliterating broadsides from both ship's lance batteries.   

Further down range, a squadron of Traitor frigates are identified, and then a Traitor battle cruiser, the enemy flagship,  is spotted, launching a wave of three bomber squadrons toward Imperial targets.

Captain Fawzia fires a broadside from his ship's starboard lance batteries, and with remarkable fortune, deliver the Emperor's wrath upon the flight, vaporized, and gone, the holo-map icon blinks off. 

The Traitor cruisers were in close with the Imperial freighters, and the fact that their cargo was munitions, their fat was sealed. 

It was time to take on the Traitor battle cruiser, provoking two lance broadsides from the Gothic class ships, the nova cannon from Hammer of Justice, and all the firepower that could be brought to bear bludgeons through the battle cruiser's shields, pounds apart  the hull into vaporous ruin, and flooded the ships guts out into the vacuum of space.

One of the Imperial Navy frigates had made a dash forward to close with the Traitor to lay in its firepower at point blank range, before it could get off a shot, the cataclysmic explosion of the Fell Foe's flagship sent a concussive blow toward it, were, as goes the enemy's battle cruiser, so went the Imperial Navy frigate. Both, simply, vaporized. Their icons on the holo-map disapear, together. 

As the Gothic class cruisers fire at the enemy battle cruiser, both target an enemy frigate for boarding. Ship to ship fighting is fierce, and the Emperor's Wrath neutralizes its prey.  The Fortitude is less fortunate, and its prey gets away, but the Hammer of Justice manages to take out the third Traitor frigate with a broadside of its port guns.

As the crippled enemy cruisers break off and escape, a plethora of new icons appear from the planet. Imperial ships that have been engaging ground targets with planetary bombardment reach high orbit, eager to come to assistance, but the battle is over.

Since the Imperial Navy takes the field there's a lot of debris that can be salvaged, collected, and re-purposed toward the offensive. Sadly, those freighters blew up so easily because the main cargo was munitions, so there's not going to be any bonus stocks for the push on the planet 

With the destruction the Enemy's battle cruiser flagship, and the crippling of two more cruisers, and the demise of the enemy's fleet admiral in the region, the Imperial Navy now holds complete dominance of the space around Carina. This will prove most beneficial in the form of orbital support on planet. Certainly, Admiral Darling is anxious to get some shots at the Fell Foe, huddling  on their space island, below.


After action report 
Submitted by Void Master Rowe

The Ork mercenary, Smashgrab, and his unit, have been evacuated from the space station, and medevaced to the Darling House cruiser, Independent, for Medicae treatment, with heavy sedation. Their actions were exemplary, although the unit was rendered combat ineffective by the end of the action. All enemy cultists broke and ran, and as we took the field, we recovered all equipment. 
See appendix 1 for Kills. 
See appendix 2 for Losses. 
See appendix 3 for ammunition and equipment expenditure.

Overall assessment:
While the Darling House land forces have been neutralized, for the time being, we have just received reinforcements of four squadrons Vendetta attack aircraft from the Kunvizi Asoci. Unfortunately, two of the squadrons are fresh recruits and will need to be paired with the other two squadron's of veterans for advanced combat training. This precludes them from operating in the air support role for the time being. They will operate  in the combat air patrol mode, and engage enemy airdrop forces. This means that in the next push, we will have no direct impact on the battle for the planet, but our presents will hopefully still be effective.

Conclusion: Defensive actions have been effective, and the Emperor protects.


+++The Jungle+++

The Death Drinker daemonic host wrecked havoc on the mercenary forces of Ork Warboss, Smashgrab, and his minions. Invisible in the murk of the jungle, the daemon horde ravages the Imperial defenders with impunity. 

The second wave of Imperial forces wheel into the line, but the attackers are already advancing in force. 

"This is Eagle Six. Auspex off-line. Visibility nil. Eagle Three has declared May-Day, no COM response, telemetry is flat line. Void-master Rowe is attempting emergency climb routines, but engines are running at 10%. ...Initiating crash..." 
+++RT Independent+++

The ship's Medicae Temple purrs with a persistent metallic drone, and smells like burnt flesh and promethium, in spite of aromatic balms and incense. 

A lithe silhouette slowly comes into view as Lord-Captain Darling stares up at the amber glowing lumen ceiling. 

"Three broken ribs and a slight concussion. Not bad. Two troopers died, the gunners, but everybody else made it. That chap, Rowe, is quite a pilot. I suspect he found the only swamp pond In the whole jungle that wouldn't suck you in as soon as you landed on it. I do hope you have not used up all of your luck, because you're going to need a lot of it, soon."
The central bridge halo-display is set to orbital proximity, showing the telemetry of all ships in near orbit around Independent. The skies above Acalon were secure, and the Imperial Armada prepared for orbital bombardment.

Lord-Captain Darling gives a slight wince as she shifts her weight on the Captain's throne. Seneschel Cassandra Gvati accepts back the data-slate from Lord-Captain Darling, and nods solemnly. 

"There do seem to be indications that you are being put in a position of some great importance with regard to the grand strategy of this campaign. Whispers are emanating from friends and foes, and even in the headquarters of Lord-General Vorov, that you will be the great outsider to take responsibility for the results of this horrendous campaign."

"So, sacrifice the rogue trader, and give everybody else a free pass. And our friend, Chill, is causing these whispers?"

"That is what a Callidus Assassin does. I have found no indication of a direct handler, but she does have a long history with the Kunvizi Conclave. They are by far the most aggressive string pullers I know among Imperial factions, and second only to Ulthwe' Farseers."

"Ah, my friends the Inquisition. They said utilize those Orks. Kabitz with the Eldar. You are the House of Darling. Take full advantage of your charter, and serve humankind and the God Emperor with all your ability. Why change things now? This has always been my course, and I will not change it! This cataclysm will end soon, and I want to see it happen from the best possible vantage point. Get me a Com to Lord-General Vorov."
To:           Acalon Command - Hive Stradanus Mechanicus Depotum 
                 Explorator Enginseer Darius Torque, RT Independent 

From:     Kunvizi Ascoci Central Distribution - Paragonia 

++++ DELIVERED ++++

ONE -   Leviathan Moble Command Vehicle: Stormguard Pattern

TYPE: Super Heavy Vehicle
ACCESS POINTS: 1 rear hatch (counts as 3 access points)
FIRE PORTS: 10 left & right, 5 front (from pulpit)
- Hull-mounted Doomsday Cannon
- Turreted Battle Cannon
- 6 Twin-lined Lascannon - side sponsons
- 8 Twin-linked Heavy Bolter - side sponsons
- Manticore Rocket Launcher - Storm Eagle rockets (4 shots)
- May carry infantry only.
Advanced sensors, communications gear, and  the center
of both strategic and tactical command.
- Supreme Headquarters (centered on the Leviathan)
+++The Outskirts of Hive Stradanus+++

The din from roaring engines, and the swirl of caustic carbon fumes stands heavy in the air around the mighty Leviathan. Four Techpriests finish up their pre-check list on the exterior of the vehicle, and begin to assign interior responsibilities for the battle, ahead. The Stormguard Pattern Leviathan must maintain huge ammo racks for its Titan sized Doomsday Canon, Battle Canon, and myriad of heavy bolters. The vehicle also features a dedicated plasma capacitator, for its power-train, Void-shields and lascanon sponson's.

The vehicles armor, bulkheads, fire suppression, and other damage control systems must also be closely monitored during battle. With appropriately programmed Servitors, these four Techpriest teams should be able to keep the massive land ship functional and deadly through the heat of the most grueling conflagrations.

More than 100 Imperial souls will provide close escort for the mobile command vehicle into the delta's defensive position, where they will fortify the area and give close protection. 

This will be the Holy Emperor's adamantium gate against the swarming, enemy hordes.


+++The Last Line of Defense+++

Battle is noise, destruction, and mess. The accents of conflagration range from explosive to chemical to mechanical. And in the grim darkness of Acalon, infusion of psychic powers with the permeation of the dark forces of the warp rend the fabric of reality. Orbital bombardment and virus bombs round out the mayhem. The great armies on the field of battle churn, and whither, and spill their ichors. 

a Death Drinker's Sole-Grinder, a demon possessed machine, enters the material world. Instantly pierced by a lascannon bolt from an Icarus point defense cannon, the Soul-Grinder detonates into a thousand shards, Instantly ending its mission.

Four Vulture attack ships boom overhead as they race to targets downfield. Punisher cannons spewing kinetic death upon an unholy alliance of Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Necrons. 

Special Psyker Elite teams manipulate the warp, forcing Imperial foes to be stuck in a time distortion field, unable to assault the Leviathan, as they stand, dumb.

Imperial air support successfully distracts the enemies of man, and the Leviathan is relatively unmolested for the first phase of the battle. As the Imperial aircraft are shot down, however, the enemy begins to concentrate their assault against the prize of the line. The repair crews scurry scaffolds, hoisting  tools about the interior of the vehicle, always a step ahead of total destruction. A lucky shot wrecks the Necron's death-ray shooting Gaus Pylon, securing the safety of the Leviathan. The lumbering behemoth moves at its maximum speed toward an objective, cutting down the last foes opposing it.

The gate closes and locks against the Fell Foe of the Imperium. Acalon is saved!


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